
Zero To One

Review : Good Book for the entrepreneurs. It talks about the business idea; competition Ideology; last mover Advantage; Money makes more money; 7 questions need to be answered; Technology advancement, computers, and its relation with man; Importance of sales; and Stagnation vs Singularity. This book has talked about all the prospective things and has given solid support arguments to things quoted. The best thing about the book is it is written by Paypal Mafia. My suggestion to entrepreneurs is a must-read book to enhance your vision and for start-ups to build a solid foundation. Learning : This book gave me a lot of learning regarding the ideas. It is easy to reach from 1 to 100 than creating 1 from 0. It is easy to copy the things which are available then creating something new. you have to act as per your market you are in based on being it monopoly perfect competition. you have to take advantage of the last mover and make most of it. you...

The Go - Giver

Review : A wonderful book. I give this book a tag of 'MUST READ'. Book has described the Five law of stratospheric success. They are actually significant for professional life as well as personal life. Book has very wonderfully narrated these laws.   Learning : this book gave a perspective that is helping me grow myself as a giver. There is a wonderful concept of more you give more you get in return. Being a giver will help you gain a relationship and get strong bond over time. and in turn that will turn up as a benefit for you. As you become a Go -giver, You get love and respect from people around you not only that but in return, people are willing to take the risk for you to give you gain. As we all become go-giver. we will be surround people like us more and relations become selfless. Certainly, you will found many videos of people helping each other in the circle it comes around to them. explaining the concept of more you give more you get in return.

Law of Attraction

Review : Delete the No, Not, Never words from the dictionary and try to think of why what and how instead. Fill up your mind with the positive energy and vibrations and try to get away from the negative vibration by asking your self what can I do for the change. and a Three-stage process from the desire to act. Learning : This book gave me a different level of positivity. You must take out of negativity from your life. Positive thinking attracts positive things near you as you keep your minds and focus on good things happening around you, and in turn, you see the positive aspect of things happening around you. and if you be negative on surrounding than you be more negative and attract more negativity as you be angry or sad about the things happening and being in such a situation you reduce your productivity. and that will brings more negative aspects to life.


Buy this Book :  Essential Essays Review : I put this one in the best books list. A good concept of Minimalist, finding the true happiness over the materialistic happiness. More often you find book to discuss about the fact that you already know but it shows mirror to the excuses we make to ourselves on those facts. I can relate to few videos i have seen while reading book to some extent. A video of True happiness within yourself by Sandeep Maheshwari at early stage of the book where discussion was on happiness over materialistic one. And A video on millennials by Simon Sinek while talk was about getting rid of the things which affect the most valuable thing “Time”. Learning : This book talks about a lot of things which put you in thoughts. A must read book. Books talk about how to manage things which you need and make maximum out of minimum. As to short out with things what exactly you need and what are things that is not required by you and of no use other th...

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Buy this Book: Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! Review:   "Don't work for money.. Make money work for you.." Book talks about investing money rather than spending money. Improves the Asset side of your balance sheet and money generated from asset will take care of the Liabilities. House is not asset it's a liability. Better you learn concept of investment at early age.  Learning:   A must read book for someone looking to grow wealth at higher rate over long term. As book have talked about use of money for early stage of life. Spending on home, car or bike is creating more of liabilities, which will create pain as to suffice all the liabilities from the single source of money is your regular income. But if you prefer to go for investment in real estate or equity market or bonds and debentures, these all will become asset and create mo...

Yuvraj singh The Test Of My Life

Buy this book : Yuvraj singh The Test Of My Life   Review: Really a heart touching story. Struggles which came to his life and the way he faced them. Supports from family members and friends. one thing that UV tell is " IN FIGHT RESISTANCE IS BETTER THEN SURRENDER." Never give up. Learning: A must read book for those who need to gut up through undesired changes happened over life. Book shows the sticking to your doings and believing in oneself helps you to stay positive in such negative surrounding and at result will bring you out of pain and misery. Everyone in life once or more suffers through trouble in the life and passes through the tough situation in life, putting down the guards in such situation are moreover common. But that doesn't go for success in life. One must stick to it and withhold oneself and fight against it making it less affected and surpass it for achieving greater good that is standing after this undesired events and situation. If...