The Go - Giver

Review :

A wonderful book. I give this book a tag of 'MUST READ'. Book has described the Five law of stratospheric success. They are actually significant for professional life as well as personal life. Book has very wonderfully narrated these laws.

Learning :

this book gave a perspective that is helping me grow myself as a giver. There is a wonderful concept of more you give more you get in return. Being a giver will help you gain a relationship and get strong bond over time. and in turn that will turn up as a benefit for you. As you become a Go -giver, You get love and respect from people around you not only that but in return, people are willing to take the risk for you to give you gain. As we all become go-giver. we will be surround people like us more and relations become selfless. Certainly, you will found many videos of people

helping each other in the circle it comes around to them. explaining the concept of more you give more you get in return.


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